







According to the Times Higher Education, data recently released by the Student Loan Company showed that 39758 undergraduate students dropped out of the 2021 to 2022 academic year, with a year-on-year increase of 23%.


The main reasons of such problem are the continued disruption resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic as well as rising concerns about the impact of soaring inflation on student budgets.

负责高等教育的全国学生联合会副主席克洛伊·菲尔德(Chloe Field)表示,这些数字“令人震惊,但并不奇怪,因为生活成本危机正在将学生推向边缘”。她补充道:“我们警告说,随着大学可负担性的下降,学生辍学率可能会增加,今年情况可能会更糟。”

The National Union of Students’ vice-president for higher education, Chloe Field, said the figures were “shocking, but not surprising, given the cost-of-living crisis which is pushing students to the brink”.“We’ve warned that student dropouts could increase as university becomes less affordable, and it could get even worse this year,” she added.


Sector bodies including Universities UK have in recent weeks urged the Westminster government to provide extra support to students, including hardship funding and the return of maintenance grants, warning that many might be forced to abandon their studies if financial aid does not keep up with inflation.


Polling released earlier in September found that 67 per cent of students say they are concerned about managing living costs this term, while 55 per cent say they could be forced to quit their studies as a result.


“Students are telling us they can’t afford to continue their studies; they’re having to choose between feeding themselves and carrying on their education. Many can no longer afford to travel to placements; they’re holding down multiple jobs to make ends meet. Inevitably, it is the students from the poorest background who are being disproportionately affected,” Field continued.“The government needs to take control of this situation by tying student support with inflation and delivering urgent maintenance grants and bursaries, otherwise student poverty will continue to grow and we’ll see even more dropouts.”

西苏格兰大学为学生提供免费早餐 ✦


A Scottish university is offering its students free breakfasts as the cost-of-living crisis bites.


The University of the West of Scotland said that it would offer students free continental breakfasts at its Ayr and Paisley campuses on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so long as they can make it to campus between 8.30am and 9.30am.

西苏格兰大学临时校长露西·梅雷迪斯(Lucy Meredith)表示:“随着生活中许多领域的成本增加,我们希望确保这不会对我们的学生在未来一天都能精力充沛产生太多影响。”

“With costs increasing in many areas of life, we are hopeful that this will make a small difference in ensuring our students are fuelled up for the day ahead,” said Lucy Meredith, UWS’ interim principal.


“Not only will they have a healthy kick-start to their day, but breakfast is known to positively impact learning and general health. Research shows the impact skipping breakfast can have on learning and this initiative demonstrates our commitment to the mental and physical well-being of our students.”





标签 克洛伊格林菲尔德